
Transfer from a first floor 108 square building near State Road 105, Kangpo, Hua District

70,800 USD
3 浏览
土地编码: 12717 更新时间: 2020-09-20 17:17:58
流转年限:70 年 土地面积: 108sqm
流转类型: Lease of use rights


Located in Conghua District Jiangpu Street 105 National Road, Fengyuan has an area of 130 square residential base, a first floor 108 square building transfer period: long-term use, one-time transfer price: RMB 480,000, the underground foundation of the whole building when the building is made of six floors underground foundation, the first floor after the landlord agreed to The transferee's additional third and fourth floors are also owned by the transferee, and the exterior walls of the building have been renovated. Interior simple decoration, the transferee can according to their own design to decorate, complete hydropower. There are several large real estate real estate real estate, large shopping malls, car sales stores, auto 4S stores, daily department stores, farmers market, telecommunications, mobile stores department, computer training, kindergarten, Jiangpu primary school, conghua third middle school, Guangzhou Medical College Cong Chemical College, Guangzhou Technical College of Engineering, Triumph Palace Hotel, large KTV hotel, big stalls, tourism, fruit and vegetable market, pharmacy, hair salon, beauty salon, Hardware and hydropower, motorcycle maintenance, warehouses, logistics, appliance shopping malls, and so on, convenient transportation, the main road cement road to the building door, there are North Expressway North Expressway and from Guanshen Expressway Street exit in the vicinity. About 500 meters from 105 national road, 1 km from ConGHua city center, 1.6 km from Conghua District Bus Station, 50 km from Guangzhou, 10 km from ConGHua Hot Spring, suitable for rent, small processing plants, handicrafts, commercial housing, warehouses, warehouses, warehouses, private homes, tourism and so on. 130 sq. m2, 108 sq.m.


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