
Shinjin Yongshang Shing near Shin Po Road 1 acre farm yard overall transfer

32,450 USD
3 浏览
土地编码: 14977 更新时间: 2020-09-21 06:20:43
流转年限:70 年 土地面积: 656sqm
流转类型: Lease of use rights


<p>Area traffic: The plot is located in the territory of Shinjin, less than 2 km from Shin Po Road, cement road to the plot, traffic is very convenient.</p> <p>Plot description: The plot is independent, single-door, consisting of 115 square meters of homestead and former house after 8 points of residence, the topography, four to clear boundaries, two faces the road, one facing a channel, a vacant lot.There are more than 400 square meters of reserve in front of the house and 100 square meters at the back of the house.For more arable land can be leased in consultation with local farmers, and the rent is approximately 1000 yuan an acre for a year.</p> As <p>confirmed to the local village committee survey, the local policy allowed the original demolition, the possibility of national occupation was extremely low, and all commissioners for building approvals pledged to assist.</p> <p>The plot is a typical low-low hilly terrain, a beautiful environment, more suitable for older people, and the clearing after houses can grow melon fruit, vegetables, floral seedlings.</p>


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