
Transfer and rental of 70 acres of mountain+pig shed at the bridge of Weihai Economic District

11,800 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 23820 更新时间: 2020-09-23 09:25:40
流转年限:9 年 土地面积: 11.53ac
流转类型: for rent


<p>The site is located in Weihai Bridge Head, a total of<span style= "color:rgb (51, 51); font-family ፦apple-system, blinkmacSystemFont, “Pingfang SC”, “Helvetica Neue&QUot;, Stheiti, “Microsoft Yahei”, Microsoft Yahei, arial, Tahoma, SimSun, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color: rgb (255, 255,255); ">Over 70 acres, there are 17 kinds of seasonal fruit trees (apples, cherries, chestnut, walnuts, grapes, etc.) on the mountain are youth trees, which can be harvested.There are two other hog sheds, hog sheds more than 2 km from the village, a hog shed that can keep 50 sows 60 meters wide 12 meters wide and about 2 1/2 m. There are production beds, parapets and other infrastructure, a pig shed that can feed pigs 40 meters wide and 12 meters wide and can keep 300 or so fat pigs.There are septic tanks and other manure disposal, and the hog shed is idle due to the expansion of the scale of farming to expand the new plant shed.Another 6 brick and tile houses can be inhabited, with three-phase electricity and a common reservoir on the mountain to pour fruit trees. The road on the ground has been hardened, cement road, very convenient, direct drive to various picking locations.The site also has a nine-year contract, which can be renewed for another 20 years when it expires.The place can be rented, fruit tree+hog shed rent together with 80,000 per year, fruit tree results can be handled by themselves, only rent pig shed 60,000 per year, the price can be negotiable, the price can be negotiable, the price can be negotiable, please please please TU I visit - sincerely transfer for rent, insincerity.</span></p>


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