
Weihai Wendeng Wendeng Camp Town 40 acres manor villa for rent and transfer

5,162.5 USD
3 浏览
土地编码: 27609 更新时间: 2020-09-24 09:30:31
流转年限:27 年 土地面积: 60000sqm
流转类型: Lease of use rights


<p>Basic information: The estate is located in Wendon District East, close to the urban business administration circle, the contract area is 19 acres, actually covers a total of about 40 acres, now rent outside 35,000 a year, transfer 1.1 million.Area traffic: The place is close to the provincial road, the door is the main road, large flow of people, cement road to the hospital, car can be driven directly into the interior, convenient.Plot situation: The soil in the park is fertile, with the latest varieties of large cherry 100-200, apricot trees around 100, peach trees 100 or so blueberries around 80.New varieties of pears 100 or so.Uni-door, easy to manage.Water conditions: there are small irrigated reservoirs in the north, there are 2 deep wells on the mountain, sufficient irrigation water sources.Amenities: There is a 36*20 m steel winter warmer shack in the estate, now planted figs in the large shed.Variety good, no pesticides.There are 3 rows of occupant houses, each row of about 5-6 (one row of them is refined, has a kitchen, storage room restaurant, etc.).The nature of the land of the house is an agricultural facility site.The owner has equipment for life and production, which can be negotiated for use by the receiver at the time of transfer.Internets are already connected within the plot.Title Information: The place signs a contract for transfer with the owner.The site is suitable for farm stays, picking gardens, recreation, cuddling and retirement.The plot is viewed in the field by the staff of Weihai Service Center in the field, communication with landowners, real and effective information, details can be called for consultation.</p>


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