
Chongzhou Jiulonggou Rafting Scenic Resort Villa for rent

737,500 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 28332 更新时间: 2020-09-24 13:28:06
流转年限:30 年 土地面积: 1500sqm
流转类型: Lease of use rights


<p>1. traffic: this project is convenient, concrete direct access, 20 minutes drive to street town, the villa is located in the Jiulonggou scenic area of Chongzhou city famous Kowloon Gorge rafting, beautiful environment, beautiful scenery, high negative oxygen ions in the air, is the city's best place for summer leisure summer summer. The entire scenic summer reception traffic of tens of thousands of people per day. </p><p>2 details: The project has a total floor area of 1,500 square meters, designed as a three-storey building, with about 670 rooms with bathroom, a small building, a two-storey building, a restaurant on the first floor, meeting and chess room on the second floor. Outside the window of the spring Ding Dong, with panoramic views. Recommended for wellness, leisure, scenery and other items. </p><p>3 transaction: the project can be sold as a whole, the sale price is 5 million yuan. It can also be rented for rent at $100,000 per year. </p><p><br/></p><p>Land by my soil drifts network Chengdu service center staff to view, and communicate with the owner face, the information is true and effective, details can call to inquire! </p><p><br/></p><p>Provincial scenic area Jiulonggou is located in the northwest of Chongzhou city, Sanlang town, because of the mythical and legends of Jiugou Jiutrou Jiuzhou. This area is the former fracture zone of the Longmen Mountains, with complex geological structure, the mountains fluctuate between 700 meters and 3868 meters above sea level, large differences in relative height, steep cliffs, multiple waterfall turbulence, deep groove canyon, many strange peaks and waterfall springs. Jiulong DitchThe sound of the dragon is like dragon, the boulders lying like dragon plate like dragon sleep, peaks towering like dragon dragon, is a living “dragon palace”. The magical legend of “Jiujo Dragons traveled from the Kowloon Pool, meet at the Kowloon Hill, return to Jiulongdou and set home in Jiulongdou, and left nine groove nine dragon on the dragon licking stone”. </p><p><br/></p>


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