
Transfer or cooperation of more than 1000 acres of factory mountain forest land in Xinxiang, Henan XX774

147,500 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 4375 更新时间: 2020-09-18 20:20:21
流转年限:47 年 土地面积: 194.39ac
流转类型: for sell


<p>Area and transportation: North of Xinxiang Weihui city, Taiheng mountain range, 20 minutes drive from Weihui city, close to the provincial road, sedan, off-road, agricultural vehicle can all go up the mountain tour or work.</p><p>Land description: Lot area of 1180 acres, there are several small mountain heads, all sunningside, slow slope, thicker soil, more weather-fossils, easy to improve development, the summit has standardized boilerplate terraces 40 acres, multiple fields on the side of the mountain range in size.There are more than 10,000 high quality peach trees aged 3 years on the hillside, varieties: Fairview goods yellow peach, mature in 6-October; CIP peach 500, winter peach (national day red) 1000, some have hung fruit.The above tree species was introduced in Yimeng Mountain by Henan Provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences and cultivated.The project has been listed by the local government as a major support for factory-crop cultivation and development of desert mountains.</p><p>Local type, facilities agricultural land is more.</p><p>Warrance: Protocol, Lin warrant, government approval.</p><p>Facilities: The hill has two fixed buildings, vintage housing 4 rooms, new style buildings 6 rooms 232 square.Self Pan Shan Highway runs from the foot of the mountain to the summit.Manzan is laid drip irrigation pipe for about 6,000 more meters.Agricultural vehicles, engines, Gaoyang pumps and other are fully equipped.</p><p>Water source: both perennial water flow through the mountains, and water flow through the front of the door, if the truncation is implemented, amusement is charming.</p><p>Power: Poles, cables are ready, recent construction.</p><p>Communication: good mobile signal, easy access to fiber.</p><p>Peripheral: Large tourist attractions are near.</p><p>Prospects: The Government decided that the proposed major tourism project covers the site, with the pre-construction trunk road just under the corner.</p><p>A partner with an intention to buy or enter into shares, can be used in the Xinxiang Land Transformation Service Center.</p><p><p><br/><p><br/></p></p></p>


Highway: 30-60mins
High-speed railway:30-60mins
Provincial/Interstate highway:
National highway:30-60mins
County road:
Township road:
Village road/Self-built road:


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