
200 Acre Animal Husbandry Land for Rent in Huichang County, Ganzhou

147,500 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 44378 更新时间: 2020-09-26 01:10:36
流转年限:10 年 土地面积: 32.95ac
流转类型: for rent


<p>Plot details: The leased parcel is located in Huichang County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, covers an area of 200 acres, use of 10 years.Access is very convenient, all 3.5 meters of rural roads have been built.This piece of farmland is good, leveled. Some of the rice is now cultivated, and can be delivered after the autumn harvest.The water source is sufficiently polluted.Around the mountain on all sides, beautiful environment, fresh air.The plot is surrounded by private houses and nearly thousand square farms together to rent out, suitable for a variety of business projects, can be sublet, or whole package rental, rental is flexible.Property rights are clear without any disputes.Shift price: farmland is 500 yuan per acre per year.Need a full package for rental telephonic details.Transfer method: rent for one year to pay one year, can be sublet and package overall, rental is very flexible.Water access: abundant water sources, there are natural underground mountain springs.Power up situation: Unperfect (need the owner will assist) traffic situation: the door has been reached 3.5 m rural road, also within 40 minutes drive from the county area, the traffic is very convenient.Manage housing: You can apply for construction or rent a nearby village house.Labour situation: low price for female workers only 80-90 yuan per day, male workers only 100-120 yuan per day.Land transfer years: 10 years, project escort fee: 400 yuan (project transaction can be deducted for intermediary service fees) Project intermediary service fee: 7000-15,000 yuan</p>


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