
310 acres of other arable land for rent in Huichang County, Ganzhou

640,150 USD
3 浏览
土地编码: 44388 更新时间: 2020-09-26 01:12:16
流转年限:20 年 土地面积: 51.07ac
流转类型: for rent


Lot Details: This plot is located in Huichang County, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province. It covers an area of 310 acres.The whole area is a village land, and the original owners had earlier planted crops such as flowers, and later gave up planting because funds were not available.All of the land use rights have been transferred to the village council.There is 1 fish pond in the middle of the plot, which is under contraction and is free to use (can be used for farming or water for irrigation).Unbuilt management house (can build activity management house or rent nearby villager houses).Property rights are clear without any disputes.Shifter price: 600 yuan per acre per year, up 5% every 5 years.Shift mode: overall rental.Rent is paid for one year.Turnover years: 20 years management housing situation: not perfect (can build activity management house or rent nearby village house).Water source situation: abundant water resources.Power up situation: Unperfect, the plot has a transformer in it, the owner will help power up.Road situation: outside the plot is the national highway, all around the road, traffic is very convenient.Labour situation: rich labor resources, low prices, wages per person only 80-120 yuan per day, project escort fee: 400 yuan (project transaction can be offset by intermediary service fees) Project intermediary service fee: 30000 yuan


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