
Transfer of 460 acres of forested land in Tongbai County, Nanyang

190,275 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 46430 更新时间: 2020-09-26 06:25:23
流转年限:35 年 土地面积: 75.78ac
流转类型: for sell


The town of Yuhe, Henan, is woodland, on the border with Xiangyang, Suizhou, Hunan, with climate conditions different, and the two varieties can be cultivated are different.There are more medicinal herbs that can be grown under the forest, such as: tawberry, yellow fine, summery ball, light ciku, bracillas, gardenia, astragalus, dog ridge, tenma, yuanzhi, southern five flavors, dogwood. The first recommendation of local local herbs, Xanthum, Summer Balls, etc., is that the local varieties are of excellent quality, and are best adapted to the local natural environment, can be grown with the highest quality herbs.The second is that the local variety has brand superiority, more easily recognized by the market, higher profit relative to other regions, and more stable market. And after recommending the cultivation of Gang Tzu.Guang Ci Ku for the Liliaceae plant the old tulipa edulis of the leptoid, the market is derived from wild resources.The raven flap is widely distributed and adaptable, most parts of the country have cultivation, and Hi Hin, in line with the characteristics of underforest cultivation.At present, the volume of wild herbs is declining every year, the market is in short supply, causing the price to rise year, estimated to break 200 yuan/kg soon, and our company has a certain demand for light cz.So is a nice breed to try. Next, bracilla, astragalus, forceps, dogwood, South five flavors, etc., are large herbs, and all common varieties of Henan and surrounding, the country needs a large amount each year.The market demand, such as swagger, dogwood, and other flavors, and large areas of cultivation throughout the country are not many bases, price fluctuations are not very large.At present, the two varieties of bragella, astragalus, have a certain size of cultivation area across the country, so the advantages of flat land planting both are not obvious.But if the development of undergrowth faux wild nurturing can greatly improve the quality of medicinal herbs, market prices are many higher than cultivated cultivars in 1-2 years, is a better direction.The main source of wild resources in Hebei, Hebei, Henan, is a local area, so climate, soil and other natural environment problems are not great.


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