
Transfer of a large number of idle fireworks factories in Liuyang, Changsha, suitable for all kinds of processing plants to take over

44,250 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 53185 更新时间: 2020-09-27 02:41:17
流转年限:20 年 土地面积: 20000sqm
流转类型: for sell


<p>Liuyang is the main production area of the flower cannon, with the state regulation of the flower cannon industry, a batch of flower artillery factories quit, the original factories were idle in large numbers, transfer at a premium.</p><br/><p>This plant is located in the town of Red Cannon town in the green grass community. It is ideally located, covers more than 30 acres, hundreds of acres on the mountain, how big it needs to give you.</p><p>The remaining lease term of 20 years, expires can be renewed, dry until the old days of wasteland.Clear property rights and no external debt.</p><p>Ready-made plant, warehouse, housing, kitchen, cement pavement, etc., suitable for all kinds of factory take over.</p><p>After a number of parties collected, the local center also has a number of idle plant transfer, welcome to inquire, WeChat same.</p><p><br/></p><p>Flower Cannon Factory Small Knowledge: The planning of the flower cannon plant is better than most factories, because the security supervision requires safety first, each plant has to invest a lot of money to change year by year.Traffic is very convenient, to facilitate the transport of the flower cannon truck.A large number of flower factories quit, resulting in a relatively high cost, now taking over is the equivalent of picking up leakage.</p>


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