
Transfer of 1,400 acres of other cultivated land in Yunyang County

413,000 USD
5 浏览
土地编码: 55032 更新时间: 2020-09-27 06:02:27
流转年限:60 年 土地面积: 230.63ac
流转类型: for sell


There is a transfer of land in Yunyang County, Chongqing. The project is as follows: 1, Basic information: 1. Transfer period: 60 years. The 60-year rent has been paid in lump sum, with an administrative fee of $5000 a year, and the transfer fee of $2.8 million, equivalent to an annual rent of $30 per acre. 2. Land type and area: farmland, approximately 680 acres of wasteland, and approximately 700 acres of forest. 3. Sea dials height: 1150 m to 1700 m. 4. Climate conditions: average annual temperature of 18.4C and average annual precipitation of 1,100 mm.The high oxygen content of the air is a natural oxygen bar. 5. Traffic conditions: road access, water through, electric power through. 6. The surrounding labour force is rich. 2. There are a number of historical and cultural sites in the tourist resource project area, such as Wangxiangtai, Sanshishi, a bowl of water, the twin imperial temple, Taiping Zhai, the Tomb of the Lady of the Guang (Guang Yi), ChenTourism resources are plentiful and resource potential is enormous. 3, the area conditions project area is at the confluence of three counties, the highest point can be seen in the nine counties of three provinces, the project area is about two hours from Wushi Hongchi Dam, Yunyang Longtank National Geological Park, Kai County Liu Becheng Memorial Hall, Hanfeng Lake Scenic Area. Fourth, the project development proposal is suitable for agroforestry cultivation, alpine summer, health, holiday, homestay, tourist scenic development, alpine landscape development and other projects. Welcome to talk about the study.


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