
上海松江区 2400平米 厂房 出租

339,840 USD
3 浏览
土地编码: 55253 更新时间: 2020-09-27 06:28:19
流转年限:50 年 土地面积: 2400sqm
流转类型: for rent


On 63 acres, the total planned building area of approximately 110,000 square meters has 22 buildings that are available for rent for sale. Two 12-story office buildings have a single floor area of 1000 ㎡ to 1500 ㎡, each office area is about 200 ㎡; the remaining 20 separate R&D buildings have a single block size of 2000 to 6800 ㎡, with single floors ranging from 400 ㎡ to 1000 ㎡. The park is a high-tech park jointly financed by Kai Di Holdings, the Lingang Group and Songjiang District Government. It is located in the Songjiang New City headquarters R&D function area of the G60 Songjiang Kechang Corridor, G60 Shanghai Songjiang Kechuang Corridor To node, enjoy Songjiang G60 industrial policy support, as “Zhangjiang High-Technology Zone Songjiang Garden” NorthBlock, enjoy the special development funds of Zhangjiang High-Technology Zone and other related policy park opened in May 2016, a phase of 70,000 square meters ended 2016, the park phase of the introduction of more than 100 enterprises. The park is well equipped, the park shuttle and timeshare electric car seamlessly docking subway line 9, public video conference room to bring a new and convenient experience for corporate meetings, supermarkets, banks, cafeteria, gym, coffee bar, book bar and so on, so employees enjoy convenient service, achieve “work” A close combination of life, learning, entertainment”. The park is close to Songjiang University City, Songjiang New City Eco-Business District (including Wanda Plaza), just 30 minutes drive from Shanghai City, Hongqiao Hub, the area advantage is clear, surrounding manufacturing leading companies gather streetcar T2 and Songjiang 21 Road with platforms at the park door, are already planning and construction The G60 Shanghaku Express Songjiang East Ramp Pass (located on Zhongkai Road) is only 1.5 km from the park. Under the position of Intelligent Manufacturing Science and Innovation Center, the park has built politics, production, learning, fellowship, intermediary, trade, media, and Honeywell together to create professional accelerator in the field of smart manufacturing, through the “base+professional platform+fund” model, focus on the smart manufacturing industry chain. Collaborative development of parks, enterprises, partners, more win-win, and strive to become a new generation of innovative driversexemplary.


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