
Hubei Jingzhou Yalingshan Forest Park Reservoir For Sale

413,000 USD
7 浏览
土地编码: 56711 更新时间: 2020-09-27 09:43:45
流转年限:50 年 土地面积: 18000sqm
流转类型: Lease of use rights


I bought a twenty-eight-acre lakeside plot seven years ago at the Baling Mountain Reservoir, more than 10 km from Jingzhou Chengdistrict. For seven years, after seven years, converted the mountain, building houses, road fish ponds, hydropower, planting garden trees, and so on, after the conversion of the farm, named the farmstead: Hushan Yahaju.Benshan has five decades of land title, and after 50 years only has to renew a contract, basically long-term ownership of the land.Located next to the Baling Mountain Reservoir in Yalingshan Forest Park, Jingzhou City, is the only hilly area in the Jianghan plain, the hills are built with 160 square meters of elegant houses (one each kitchen restaurant warehouse, three bedrooms with separate toilet) The front house is planted with bamboo forest, all concrete from city to Zhuang Way half an hour until the door. This blue sky white cloud air is fresh without haze, like entering the natural oxygen bar, is a very good health place. There are 2,000 square meters of fish pool in the Zhuang. The garden is planted with cherry blossom, purple wee, broad magnolia, purple magnolia and other flowers, and yellow peach, orange trees.Here bird language floral, yellow peach fruits are tired, and can produce more than 1,000 pounds of high quality small sand molasses oranges and yellow peaches each year.Baling Mountain was made as a national forest park in 2015 by Jingzhou to carry out a major effort to build and promote eco-rural tourism area, Jingzhou District Government plans to spend another 15 million yuan in 2020 to improve solar street lights, widen roads, country houses and farm play subsidies.Here in the near future, it will be built into a beautiful village painting, with great space for future development appreciation. Now that the land near the reservoir in Forest Park has been snapped up by the owner in town, and the dits next to the reservoir are hard to buy.Shōnai set aside a piece of Feng Shui treasure plan to build a villa, the reserved treasure land has hillsides left and right, after rocks by the mountain.Very similar to Shaoshan, is our Jingzhou local piece of Feng Shui treasure land that is suitable for health.Here you can arrange local farmers to grow their favorite green vegetables and fruits for your whole family, and you can bring family and friends and come to this hideaway for a relaxing holiday life, which is now the dream of many urban successors dream.If you're interested in investing in country hostels, pension agencies, you can also get government funding subsidies and policy support!


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