
300 acres of high-quality paddy field vegetable base for rent in Huaiji County, Zhaoqing

464,625 USD
1 浏览
土地编码: 64549 更新时间: 2020-09-28 07:56:40
流转年限:15 年 土地面积: 49.42ac
流转类型: for rent


Lot case: (300 acres of high-quality water fields are rented, perennial water is plentiful, drains have been built, irrigation facilities have all been set up, water pipes have been picked up, there is a cold storage area of 5 acres next to the base, cold storage facilities are fully equipped, the base was previously a boss as a vegetable base for the port land, which was subsequently poorly run and returned the plot to the village collective, which could be mechanized to scale operations);; Traffic: (county road side, 3 km from provincial road, 16 km from the 2-Guangdong Expressway, half an hour from the county city, two and a half hour drive from downtown Guangzhou); Hydropower: (adequate water source, access to three-phase electricity); Surrounding environment: Huaixi County is a green produce concentration base in the Greater Bay Area, Guangdong, Yes The entire Zhaoqing county district with the most high-speed exits, the transportation network is well connected, and the government facilitates the active recruitment of quotations forEnterprise provides a good business environment);; Property: (belonging to collective village land);; Tenancy: (may be signed for 15 years or more); Rental payment method: (Payment per annum, deposit can be negotiated);; Rental situation: ($700 an acre a year, increase of $50 every five years); Suitable Development projects: (Scale growing industry, rice duck symbiosis, rice shrimp symbiosis, bonsai or flowers, or other highBenefit crops, can also be carried out in the way of companies plus cooperatives and farmers);; Lot Advantage: (land leveling, can be scale, mechanized operation, convenient transportation);; Our business introduction: (We are the Zhaoqing Service Center of the Earthflow Network, we are pleased to provide you with quality services Serve.(You can also entrust us to find land, including all agricultural land, commercial land, industrial land, etc.);;; Reservation of the land process: (telephone consultation, add WeChat, send the land number - reservation time - company details - Departure place - Contract - Provide subsequent services (including agricultural policy advice, agricultural insurance, land finance services)


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